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Electronic Device Policy

  • All electronic devices must be kept in "silent" mode at all times in all areas of the Club and grounds.
  • Verbal communications, emailing, texting, watching video or playing video games on any device is prohibited at all times with the exception of private use in a car, bedroom or cottage, or in a designated cell phone area. 
  • Using reading features on an electronic device for news, magazines, and books is permitted when on Club property.
  • Electronic devices of any kind are prohibited in dining rooms during dinner hours, including for reading.
  • Wearing earbuds or headphones is permitted only when running, in the Exercise Room, or sitting by the pool/beach.
  • Taking photographs with an electronic device and viewing or showing photos to others is permitted on Club grounds.

Designated cell phone areas are as follows:

Main Clubhouse – At the bottom of the stairs leading to the Golf Shop where the ATM machine is located

Racquets Building – The Tennis Pro Shop changing room

Fox Point Beach – The cell phone booth located next to the towel room

Please clearly communicate Piping Rock Club's Electronic Device Policy to your children and guests. 


Social Media Policy

When posting photographs to social media please refrain from naming the Club or its location: this includes using a hashtag (#) or 'at' (@) with the Club's name in the comment field on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and any others. Please select "No Location" or disable the "Location" services from your phone or other devices when posting photos on social media or public websites.

Please clearly communicate Piping Rock Club's Electronic Device Policy to your children and guests.

